Last October I gave a presentation on database unit testing with utPLSQL, Oracle Unit Testing with utPLSQL. I mentioned design patterns as a way of reducing the effort of building unit tests and outlined some strategies for coding them effectively.
In the current set of articles, I develop the ideas further, starting from the idea that all database APIs can be considered in terms of the axes:
- direction (i.e. getter or setter, noting that setters can also ‘get’)
- mode (i.e. real time or batch)
For each cell in the implied matrix, I construct an example API (or view) with specified requirements against Oracle’s HR demo schema, and use this example to construct a testing program with appropriate scenarios as a design pattern. Concepts and common patterns and anti-patterns in automated API testing are discussed throughout, and these are largely independent of testing framework used. However, the examples use my own lightweight independent framework that is designed to help avoid many API testing anti-patterns. The code is available on GitHub here, BrenPatF/trapit_oracle_tester, and includes both framework and design pattern examples.
Behind the four examples, there is an underlying design pattern that involves wrapping the API call in a ‘pure’ procedure, called once per scenario, with the output ‘actuals’ array including everything affected by the API, whether as output parameters, or on database tables, etc. The inputs are also extended from the API parameters to include any other effective inputs. Assertion takes place after all scenarios and is against the extended outputs, with extended inputs also listed. This concept of the ‘pure’ function, central to Functional Programming, has important advantages in automated testing. I explained the concepts involved in a presentation at the Oracle User Group Ireland Conference in March 2018:
The Database API Viewed As A Mathematical Function: Insights into Testing
In the first part of this two part article,Design Patterns for Database API Testing 2: Views 1 – Design I presented a design pattern for unit testing views, using an example based on Oracle’s HR demo schema, and here I list the code for the main test procedure and a couple of the utility procedures, with notes.
A structure diagram shows how the PL/SQL packages relate to each other, and sections of the code are listed with notes.
Call Structure Table
TT_View_Drivers.tt_HR_Test_View_V – View Test Procedure
Declare section
PROCEDURE tt_HR_Test_View_V IS c_view_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'HR_Test_View_V'; c_proc_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'TT_View_Drivers.tt_' || c_view_name; c_dep_id_1 CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 10; c_dep_id_2 CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 20; c_dep_nm_1 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'Administration'; c_dep_nm_2 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'Marketing'; c_job_bad CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'AD_ASST'; c_job_good CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'IT_PROG'; c_base_sal CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 1000; c_ln_pre CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := DML_API_TT_HR.c_ln_pre; c_sel_lis CONSTANT L1_chr_arr := L1_chr_arr ('last_name', 'department_name', 'manager', 'salary', 'sal_rat', 'sal_rat_g'); c_where_lis CONSTANT L1_chr_arr := L1_chr_arr (NULL, NULL, 'department_name=''Administration''', NULL); c_dataset_3lis CONSTANT L3_chr_arr := L3_chr_arr ( L2_chr_arr (L1_chr_arr ('4 emps, 1 dep (10), emp-3 has no dep, emp-4 has bad job'), -- dep job salary L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_good, '1000'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_good, '2000'), L1_chr_arr (NULL, c_job_good, '3000'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_bad, '4000') ), L2_chr_arr (L1_chr_arr ('As dataset 1 but with extra emp-5, in second dep (20)'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_good, '1000'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_good, '2000'), L1_chr_arr (NULL, c_job_good, '3000'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_bad, '4000'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_2, c_job_good, '5000') ), L2_chr_arr (L1_chr_arr ('As dataset 2 but with salaries * 0.1, total below reporting threshold of 1600'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_good, '100'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_good, '200'), L1_chr_arr (NULL, c_job_good, '300'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_1, c_job_bad, '400'), L1_chr_arr (c_dep_id_2, c_job_good, '500') ) ); c_exp_2lis CONSTANT L2_chr_arr := L2_chr_arr ( L1_chr_arr ( Utils.List_Delim (c_ln_pre || '1', c_dep_nm_1, NULL, '1000', '.67', '.4'), Utils.List_Delim (c_ln_pre || '2', c_dep_nm_1, c_ln_pre || '1', '2000', '1.33', '.8') ), L1_chr_arr ( Utils.List_Delim (c_ln_pre || '1', c_dep_nm_1, NULL, '1000', '.67', '.33'), Utils.List_Delim (c_ln_pre || '2', c_dep_nm_1, c_ln_pre || '1', '2000', '1.33', '.67'), Utils.List_Delim (c_ln_pre || '5', c_dep_nm_2, c_ln_pre || '1', '5000', '1', '1.67') ), L1_chr_arr ( Utils.List_Delim (c_ln_pre || '1', c_dep_nm_1, NULL, '1000', '.67', '.33'), Utils.List_Delim (c_ln_pre || '2', c_dep_nm_1, c_ln_pre || '1', '2000', '1.33', '.67') ), tt_Utils.c_empty_list ); c_scenario_ds_lis CONSTANT L1_num_arr := L1_num_arr (1, 2, 2, 3); c_scenario_lis CONSTANT L1_chr_arr := L1_chr_arr ( 'DS-1, testing inner, outer joins, analytic over dep, and global ratios with 1 dep', 'DS-2, testing same as 1 but with extra emp in another dep', 'DS-2, passing ''WHERE dep=10''', 'DS-3, Salaries total 1500 (< threshold of 1600)'); c_inp_group_lis CONSTANT L1_chr_arr := L1_chr_arr ('Employee', 'Where'); c_inp_field_2lis CONSTANT L2_chr_arr := L2_chr_arr ( L1_chr_arr ( '*Employee Id', 'Last Name', 'Email', 'Hire Date', 'Job', '*Salary', '*Manager Id', '*department Id'), L1_chr_arr ( 'Where') ); c_out_field_2lis CONSTANT L2_chr_arr := L2_chr_arr ( L1_chr_arr ( 'Name', 'Department', 'Manager', '*Salary', '*Salary Ratio (dep)', '*Salary Ratio (overall)')); l_act_2lis L2_chr_arr := L2_chr_arr(); c_ms_limit CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 1; l_timer_set PLS_INTEGER; l_inp_3lis L3_chr_arr := L3_chr_arr();
Notes on declare section
- Data sets, scenarios, expected values etc. are stored in generic arrays, where:
- L1_chr_arr is type of array of VARCHAR2(4000), same as standard type SYS.ODCIVarchar2List
- L2_chr_arr is a type of array of L1_chr_arr
- L3_chr_arr is a type of array of L2_chr_arr
Setup section
PROCEDURE Setup_Array IS BEGIN l_act_2lis.EXTEND (c_exp_2lis.COUNT); l_inp_3lis.EXTEND (c_exp_2lis.COUNT); FOR i IN 1..c_exp_2lis.COUNT LOOP l_inp_3lis (i) := L2_chr_arr(); l_inp_3lis (i).EXTEND(2); l_inp_3lis(i)(2) := L1_chr_arr (c_where_lis(i)); END LOOP; END Setup_Array; /*************************************************************************************************** Setup_DB: Create test records for a given scenario for testing view ***************************************************************************************************/ PROCEDURE Setup_DB (p_call_ind PLS_INTEGER, -- scenario index x_inp_lis OUT L1_chr_arr) IS -- input list, first group, employees l_emp_id PLS_INTEGER; l_mgr_id PLS_INTEGER; l_len_lis L1_num_arr := L1_num_arr (1, -11, -13, -10, 10, -10); BEGIN Utils.Heading ('Employees created in setup: DS-' || p_call_ind || ' - ' || c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind)(1)(1)); Utils.Col_Headers (L1_chr_arr ('#', 'Employee id', 'Department id', 'Manager', 'Job id', 'Salary'), l_len_lis); x_inp_lis := L1_chr_arr(); x_inp_lis.EXTEND (c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind).COUNT - 1); FOR i IN 2..c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind).COUNT LOOP l_emp_id := DML_API_TT_HR.Ins_Emp ( p_emp_ind => i - 1, p_dep_id => c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind)(i)(1), p_mgr_id => l_mgr_id, p_job_id => c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind)(i)(2), p_salary => c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind)(i)(3), x_rec => x_inp_lis(i - 1)); Utils.Pr_List_As_Line (L1_chr_arr ((i-1), l_emp_id, Nvl (c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind)(i)(1), ' '), Nvl (To_Char(l_mgr_id), ' '), c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind)(i)(2), c_dataset_3lis (p_call_ind)(i)(3)), l_len_lis); IF i = 2 THEN l_mgr_id := l_emp_id; END IF; END LOOP; END Setup_DB;
Notes on setup section
- c_dataset_3lis contains the data for all data sets indexed by (data set, record, field)
- Setup_Array is called once to do some setup on the arrays
- Setup_DB is called for a single data set at a time in each scenario
- Description of the data set is contained in the array and printed out
- Data set is printed out in tabular format. In the most recent version of the utility code, this is not strictly necessary, because all the input data is printed out before the outputs
'Pure' API wrapper procedure
PROCEDURE Purely_Wrap_API (p_scenario_ds VARCHAR2, -- index of input dataset p_where VARCHAR2, -- input where clause for x_inp_lis_1 OUT L1_chr_arr, -- first input group, employees x_act_lis OUT L1_chr_arr) IS -- generic actual values list (for scenario) BEGIN Setup_DB (p_scenario_ds, x_inp_lis_1); Timer_Set.Increment_Time (l_timer_set, Utils_TT.c_setup_timer); x_act_lis := Utils_TT.Get_View ( p_view_name => c_view_name, p_sel_field_lis => c_sel_lis, p_where => p_where, p_timer_set => l_timer_set); ROLLBACK; END Purely_Wrap_API;
Notes on 'Pure' API wrapper procedure
- Setup_DB is called to create the data set for the scenario
- Get_View returns the results of the query on the view as 2-level array
- Get_View rolls back after getting the results, so the inserted test records are removed from the database
Main section
BEGIN -- -- Every testing main section should be similar to this, with array setup, then loop over scenarios -- making a 'pure'(-ish) call to specific, local Purely_Wrap_API, with single assertion call outside -- the loop -- l_timer_set := Utils_TT.Init (c_proc_name); Setup_Array; FOR i IN 1..c_exp_2lis.COUNT LOOP Purely_Wrap_API (c_scenario_ds_lis(i), c_where_lis(i), l_inp_3lis(i)(1), l_act_2lis(i)); END LOOP; Utils_TT.Is_Deeply (c_proc_name, c_scenario_lis, l_inp_3lis, l_act_2lis, c_exp_2lis, l_timer_set, c_ms_limit, c_inp_group_lis, c_inp_field_2lis, c_out_group_lis, c_out_field_2lis); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN Utils.Write_Other_Error; RAISE; END tt_HR_Test_View_V;
Notes on main section
- It's quite short isn't it 🙂
- Setup is called to do array setup
- Main section loops over the scenarios calling Purely_Wrap_API
- Is_Deeply is called to do all the assertions within nested loops, then print the results
Utils_TT - Test Utility Procedures
We will include only one procedure from this package in the body of the article. See gitHub link for the full code.
Is_Deeply - to check results from testing
PROCEDURE Is_Deeply (p_proc_name VARCHAR2, -- calling procedure p_test_lis L1_chr_arr, -- test descriptions p_inp_3lis L3_chr_arr, -- actual result strings p_act_3lis L3_chr_arr, -- actual result strings p_exp_3lis L3_chr_arr, -- expected result strings p_timer_set PLS_INTEGER, -- timer set index p_ms_limit PLS_INTEGER, -- call time limit in ms p_inp_group_lis L1_chr_arr, -- input group names p_inp_fields_2lis L2_chr_arr, -- input fields descriptions p_out_group_lis L1_chr_arr, -- output group names p_fields_2lis L2_chr_arr) IS -- test fields descriptions l_num_fails_sce L1_num_arr := L1_num_arr(); l_num_tests_sce L1_num_arr := L1_num_arr(); l_tot_fails PLS_INTEGER := 0; l_tot_tests PLS_INTEGER := 0; . . . (private procedures - see gitHub project,, for full code listings) . . . BEGIN Detail_Section (l_num_fails_sce, l_num_tests_sce); Summary_Section (l_num_fails_sce, l_num_tests_sce, l_tot_fails, l_tot_tests); Set_Global_Summary (l_tot_fails, l_tot_tests + 1); END Is_Deeply;
Notes on Is_Deeply
- This is the base version of Is_Deeply with 3-level arrays of expected and actuals
- An inner loop asserts actual values (which are records) against expected
- The final assertion is against average call time
- It is expected that all assertion within a test procedure will be via a single call to one of the versions of this procedure, making a big reduction in code compared with traditional unit testing approaches
- After final assertion a call is made to write out all the results, by scenario, with all inputs printed first, followed by actuals (and expected, where they differ); this means that the test outputs now become precise and accurate documents of what the program does
Get_View - run a query dynamically on a view and return result set as array of strings
FUNCTION Get_View (p_view_name VARCHAR2, -- name of view p_sel_field_lis L1_chr_arr, -- list of fields to select p_where VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- optional where clause p_timer_set PLS_INTEGER) -- timer set handle RETURN L1_chr_arr IS -- list of delimited result records l_cur SYS_REFCURSOR; l_sql_txt VARCHAR2(32767) := 'SELECT Utils.List_Delim (L1_chr_arr ('; l_result_lis L1_chr_arr; l_len PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..p_sel_field_lis.COUNT LOOP l_sql_txt := l_sql_txt || p_sel_field_lis(i) || ','; END LOOP; l_sql_txt := RTrim (l_sql_txt, ',') || ')) FROM ' || p_view_name || ' WHERE ' || Nvl (p_where, '1=1 ') || 'ORDER BY 1'; OPEN l_cur FOR l_sql_txt; FETCH l_cur BULK COLLECT -- ut, small result set, hence no need for limit clause INTO l_result_lis; CLOSE l_cur; Timer_Set.Increment_Time (p_timer_set, Utils_TT.c_call_timer); ROLLBACK; RETURN tt_Utils.List_or_Empty (l_result_lis); END Get_View;
Notes on Get_View
- A query string is constructed from the input list of fields and optional where clause
- The fields are concatenated with delimiters and returned into an array of strings
- A rollback occurs to remove any test data created, so as not to interfere with any subsequent call
- If no data was returned from the query, we return a default 1-record listing containing the string 'EMPTY'
Package block section
BEGIN DBMS_Application_Info.Set_Client_Info (client_info => 'TT'); Utils.c_session_id_if_TT := SYS_Context ('userenv', 'sessionid'); END Utils_TT;
Notes on package block section
- client_info is set to 'TT', meaning the session operates in test mode
- The session id is stored in a package variable
- This id is referenced in the testing views and in insertion of test records with utid column
- A design pattern has been presented for testing views, with scenarios and output results in part 1
- The implementation, presented here, was against an Oracle database publicly available demonstration schema, and used the TRAPIT - TRansactional API Testing in Oracle
framework - See also A Template Script for JDBC Integration Testing of Oracle Procedures
- See also Design Patterns for Database API Testing 3: Batch Loading of Flat Files