A Generic Unix Script for Uploading eBusiness Concurrent Programs

I have posted a couple of articles recently on XML Publisher report development within Oracle eBusiness applications (A Design Pattern for Oracle eBusiness Audit Trail Reports with XML Publisher and Design Patterns for Database Reports with XML Publisher and Email Bursting). These reports are of one of several types of batch program, or concurrent program that can be defined within Oracle eBusiness.

Oracle eBusiness uses a number of metadata tables to store information on the programs, and in release 11.5 Oracle introduced a Unix utility called FNDLOAD to download the metadata to formatted text files to allow them to be uploaded via the same utility into downstream environments. At that time batch reports were generally developed in the Oracle Reports tool and typically there might only be two text files (known as LDT files after their extension), for the program and for associated value sets, and maybe one for request groups (which control access to the reports). The executable report file, the RDF, would just be copied to the target environment server directory. I wrote a set of wrapper scripts for the utility to streamline its use and to deal with a number of issues, including handling of audit fields, with a structure consisting of a separate pair of scripts for download and upload of each type of LDT file. I published these on Scribd in July 2009.

In working more recently with Oracle’s successor reporting tool, XML Publisher, I found that the number of objects involved in installation has increased substantially. As well as the LDT files there are also now XML configuration files and RTF (usually) templates, uploaded via a Java utility, XDOLoader. Installation also involves at least one PL/SQL package. For example the email version of my model reports (see the second link above) had 11 configuration files. For this reason, I decided to create a single script that would copy, upload and install all objects required for a concurrent program of any type, and I describe the script in this article.

Here is my original Scribd article, describing the issues mentioned, and with the original individual upload and download scripts.


The new script is here XX_Install_XMLCP_ksh, and here is the MD120 from the model article that uses it.


Directory Structure

The script operates on an input TAR file containing all the necessary files. The TAR file is called prog.tar after the program short name prog, and contains a directory also called prog with all the installation files. The installer uses relative paths and assumes that the TAR file, with the installer, is placed in a directory below the custom top directory, say $XX_TOP/rel. All loader files are copied to $XX_TOP/import and SQL files to $XX_TOP/install/sql.

After installation, a new directory will remain with all the installation files for reference, $XX_TOP/rel/prog.

Program Structure

The internal call structure of the Unix script is shown below.
Install CP - CSD

The script operates on an input TAR file containing all the necessary files.

After extracting the TAR file, the script has local subroutines that can be divided into four categories, as above:

  1. Preliminaries – parameter processing, file moving and validation
  2. FNDLOAD uploads – uploading the LDT files
  3. XDOLoader uploads – uploading the data and any bursting XML files, and all layout templates present
  4. SQL installations – installing any SQL script present, and the package spec and body files

The following table gives a few notes on the main program and preliminary subroutines.
Preliminaries Summary
Prelims Table
The following table gives a few notes on the upload and SQL subroutines.
Upload and SQL Summary
Install Uploads Table
The upload subroutines all have SQL queries for verification, and here is a sample log file from the script: XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_log

The remainder of the article lists the queries with diagrams and examples of output.

Upload Subroutines


Validation Query

SELECT app_g.application_short_name "App G", fag.group_name "Group",
      fag.description "Description",
      app_t.application_short_name "App T", ftb.table_name "Table",
      fcl.column_name "Column"
  FROM fnd_audit_groups fag
  JOIN fnd_application app_g
    ON app_g.application_id = fag.application_id
  JOIN fnd_audit_tables fat
    ON fat.audit_group_app_id = fag.application_id
   AND fat.audit_group_id = fag.audit_group_id
  JOIN fnd_application app_t
    ON app_t.application_id = fat.table_app_id
  JOIN fnd_tables ftb
    ON ftb.application_id = fat.table_app_id
   AND ftb.table_id = fat.table_id
  JOIN fnd_audit_columns fac
    ON fac.table_app_id = fat.table_app_id
   AND fac.table_id = fat.table_id
  JOIN fnd_columns fcl
    ON fcl.application_id = fac.table_app_id
   AND fcl.table_id = fac.table_id
   AND fcl.column_id = fac.column_id
 WHERE fag.last_update_date     = To_Date ('$sysdate', 'YYYY/MM/DD')
   AND fac.schema_id            = 900
ORDER BY app_g.application_short_name, fag.group_name, 
         app_t.application_short_name, ftb.table_name,


Install CP - AG - 1

Example Output
No example available here, but the headings are:
“App G”, “Group”, “Description”, “App T”, “Table”, “Column”


Validation Query

SELECT mes.message_name "Name", mes.message_text "Text"
  FROM fnd_new_messages mes
 WHERE mes.last_update_date     = To_Date ('$sysdate', 'YYYY/MM/DD')


Install CP - Message

Example Output

Name                     Text
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------


Validation Query

SELECT fvs.flex_value_set_name "Value Set", Count(fvl.flex_value_set_id) "Values"
  FROM fnd_flex_value_sets fvs, fnd_flex_values fvl
 WHERE fvs.last_update_date     = To_Date ('$sysdate', 'YYYY/MM/DD')
   AND fvl.flex_value_set_id(+) = fvs.flex_value_set_id
 GROUP BY fvs.flex_value_set_name;


Install CP - VS

Example Output

Value Set             Values
--------------------- ------
XX_PROGS                   0
XX_APPNAME_ID              0


Validation Query

SELECT prg.user_concurrent_program_name || ': ' || prg.concurrent_program_name "Program", fcu.column_seq_num || ': ' || fcu.end_user_column_name "Parameter"
  FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl               prg
  LEFT JOIN fnd_descr_flex_column_usages      fcu
    ON fcu.descriptive_flexfield_name         = '\$SRS\$.' || prg.concurrent_program_name
   AND fcu.descriptive_flex_context_code      = 'Global Data Elements'
 WHERE prg.concurrent_program_name              = '$cp_name'
 ORDER BY 1, 2;


Install CP - CP

Example Output

Program                                    Parameter
------------------------------------------ ------------------------
XX Example XML CP (Email): XX_ERPXMLCP_EM  100: Cc Email
                                           10: Application
                                           20: From Program
                                           30: To Program
                                           40: From Date
                                           50: To Date
                                           60: From Parameter Count
                                           70: To Parameter Count
                                           80: Override Email
                                           90: From Email


Validation Query

SELECT rgp.request_group_name "Request Group",
       app.application_short_name "App"
  FROM fnd_concurrent_programs          cpr
  JOIN fnd_request_group_units          rgu
    ON rgu.unit_application_id          = cpr.application_id
   AND rgu.request_unit_id              = cpr.concurrent_program_id
  JOIN fnd_request_groups               rgp
    ON rgp.application_id               = rgu.application_id
   AND rgp.request_group_id             = rgu.request_group_id
  JOIN fnd_application                  app
    ON app.application_id               = rgp.application_id
 WHERE cpr.concurrent_program_name      = '$cp_name'


Install CP - RGA

Example Output

Request Group                  App
------------------------------ ----------
System Administrator Reports   FND


Validation Query

SELECT xdd.data_source_code "Code", xtm.default_language "Lang", xtm.default_territory "Terr"
  FROM xdo_ds_definitions_b xdd
  LEFT JOIN xdo_templates_b xtm
    ON xtm.application_short_name       = xdd.application_short_name
   AND xtm.data_source_code             = xdd.data_source_code
 WHERE xdd.data_source_code             = '$cp_name'
 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;


Install CP - DD

Example Output

Code                 Lang Terr
-------------------- ---- ----
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM       en   US


Validation Query

SELECT xdd.data_source_code "Code", 
        xlb_d.file_name "Data Template",
        xlb_b.file_name "Bursting File",
        xtm.template_code "Template",
        xlb.language "Lang", 
        xlb.territory "Terr",
        xlb.file_name || 
               WHEN xlb.language = xtm.default_language AND
                    xlb.territory = xtm.default_territory
               THEN '*' END "File"
  FROM xdo_ds_definitions_b             xdd
  LEFT JOIN xdo_lobs                    xlb_d
    ON xlb_d.application_short_name     = xdd.application_short_name
   AND xlb_d.lob_code                   = xdd.data_source_code
   AND xlb_d.lob_type                   = 'DATA_TEMPLATE'
  LEFT JOIN xdo_lobs                    xlb_b
    ON xlb_b.application_short_name     = xdd.application_short_name
   AND xlb_b.lob_code                   = xdd.data_source_code
   AND xlb_b.lob_type                   = 'BURSTING_FILE'
  LEFT JOIN xdo_templates_b             xtm
    ON xtm.application_short_name       = xdd.application_short_name
   AND xtm.data_source_code             = xdd.data_source_code
  LEFT JOIN xdo_lobs                    xlb
    ON xlb.application_short_name       = xtm.application_short_name
   AND xlb.lob_code                     = xtm.template_code
   AND xlb.lob_type                     LIKE 'TEMPLATE%'
 WHERE xdd.data_source_code             = '$cp_name'
   AND xdd.application_short_name       = '$app'
 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4;


Install CP - Template

Example Output

Code            Data Template        Bursting File          Template             Lang Terr File
--------------- -------------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ---- ---- -------------------------
                                                            XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_XML   en   US   XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_XML.xsl*

Design Patterns for Database Reports with XML Publisher and Email Bursting

In a recent article, A Design Pattern for Oracle eBusiness Audit Trail Reports with XML Publisher, I presented a report that I developed within Oracle eBusiness 12.1, using Oracle XML Publisher. The report was for displaying audit trail data for a particular table, and I proposed that it could be used as a design pattern for audit trail reporting on any eBusiness table. The article focussed on the rather complex SQL, with associated layout structures, needed to render the audit data into a readable format.

In this article, I present a pair of XML Publisher reports intended to serve as design patterns for more general reporting. The reports were again developed within the framework of Oracle’s eBusiness embedded version of XML Publisher, of which there is also a stand-alone version,
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, which describes the product (rather ungrammatically) thus:

Oracle BI Publisher is the reporting solution to author, manage, and deliver all your reports and documents easier and faster than traditional reporting tools.

Reports Overview

The reports were developed specifically to serve as models for other reports, from which program constructs could be copied and pasted. For this reason I considered taking for the data sources universally available Oracle metadata such as all_tables or all_objects etc., but found problems with that idea, including:

  • They are not generally ordinary tables, and tend to produce very complex execution plans
  • The possible group structures I found were not quite general enough for my purposes

On the other hand, within Oracle eBusiness I had a number of queries available against the (FND application) metadata tables for concurrent programs that seemed to fit the purpose pretty well, and so decided to use these. As a compromise I created views on the tables with generic column names, so that the reports could be ported to other data sources relatively easily.

Concurrent Programs Data Model
In Oracle eBusiness applications concurrent (i.e. batch) programs have a logical metadata record for the program itself, and (potentially) a set of records for each of the following associated entities:

  • Parameter
  • Request group
  • XML layout template

All of these can have zero records, and for the third entity, only programs of specific type can have any records defined, a structure providing a reasonable degree of generality.

Email Bursting
Business application reports are often used to generate documents for sending to customers, suppliers etc., and increasingly companies prefer to email these out to save costs compared with mailing printed documents. In the past report developers had to code the emailing functionality themselves, usually by means of a co-ordinating program that would loop over the master records and call the reporting tool individually for each one, creating an attachment file that would then be emailed, perhaps by the Unix mailx program. As well as the development effort involved, this approach had the drawback that it scales badly as the number of emails rises owing to the individual calls to the reporting tool (such as Oracle Reports). A printed report will frequently create 10,000 records in little more time than for 1,000 records, whereas for the hand-coded emailing process it would likely take 10 times longer.

The bursting functionality in Oracle XML Publisher solves these problems by allowing the emailing processing to be specified by an XML configuration file, and by creating the files to be emailed in batch just as with printed reports. The data files are created initially in XML format from the data model, and are then merged with layout templates that are emailed by a second program.

The design pattern reports will consist of an email bursting version with a printed version, which would generally be required as a fallback for records with missing or invalid email addresses. We’ll address the obvious security issue with automated emailing programs as part of our design pattern below.

Report Outputs

Examples of complete report outputs for the printed report in .pdf format are included in the attached zip file. Here three pages are given, two showing the listing for the example report programs themselves, and a third showing a non-XML program.

Example Report – XX Example XML CP
This is page 8 of the printed report run with the only the first parameter set, the application.

  • Only the parameters that were actually set are listed after the title
  • The templates region appears because it is an XML report
  • There is only one template for this printed report, with XSL conditionality to include or exclude regions or columns


Example Report – XX Example XML CP (Email)
This is page 9 of the printed report run with the only the first parameter set, the application.

  • Notice that the bursting file column appears because this report has the file attached, using XSL conditionality
  • This email version has two layout templates that are used conditionally for each record depending on whether it’s of XML type or not
  • This record-level choice of template is implemented in the bursting XML file, and is not available in this way for the printed version


Advanced Pricing Report – QP: Java Pricing Engine Warm Up
This is page 44 of the printed report run for the Advanced Pricing application.

  • It shows a non-XML program, and the templates region consequently does not appear
  • Notice that only the summary line appears for the parameters as there are no parameters defined for the program.


XML Data Templates and XML Generators

XML Publisher reports require at least one layout template in one of several formats, and also require an executable program to generate the XML data file to merge with the template(s). Oracle supplies a Java executable to generate the data file from an XML data template containing the SQL queries, group structure etc. that the programmer attaches to the concurrent program. This is usually the best approach since it mimimizes the amount of programming required.

It is also possible to use Oracle Reports to generate XML. This can be a reasonable approach for converting legacy reports to XML Publisher to avail of some of the additional features, such as Excel output and email bursting. However, if the data model needs changing it is probably best to extract the SQL and create an XML data template from it.

It’s a really bad idea to write a PL/SQL program to generate the XML data file, being a serious case of ‘reinventing the wheel’ – use Oracle’s Java executable with XML data template instead!

Data Model: Groups, Queries, Parameters, Summaries

As described above, the example report has one master data group and three detail groups. As discussed in my last article Query Query Query, the minimum number of queries required for a group structure hierarchy is the number of groups minus the number of parent groups, which equals three here. The group structure with detail queries linked by bind variables could be depicted as below.

Group Structure Diagram
XML Publisher Model - Groups

A possible query structure for the three queries might then look like the following, where I have included summaries for two of the detail groups, and allowed for report constraints via lexical parameters, to be discussed later.

Query Structure Diagram
XML Publisher Model - Queries

Query Links and Bind Variables
It is possible to link detail queries to their master by XML query links, but according to the manual Oracle® XML Publisher Administration and Developer’s Guide, Release 12:

XML Publisher tests have shown that using bind variables is more efficient than using the link tag.

Linking a detail query to its master by bind variables involves simply referencing the master variable link columns within the detail query preceded by a colon.

Constraints and Parameters
Reports often have constraints depending on input parameters, which may be mandatory or optional. Input parameters are defined in a parameters section within the data template.

Mandatory parameters can be referenced directly as bind variables within the queries (i.e. by preceding the parameter name with a colon).

Optional parameters should normally be referenced indirectly using additional lexical parameters. This allows the exact query required to be executed rather than a composite query with Nvls to represent all possible query combinations. The latter all-purpose queries tend to be more complex and to perform poorly. Lexical parameters are declared and processed in the associated database package, and referenced by preceding them with an ampersand (&).

Note that, confusingly, these lexical parameters are not the same as the lexical tags applicable only within eBusiness that refer to eBusiness flexfields. Like the corresponding user-exits in eBusiness Oracle Reports the lexical tags allow flexfields to be included without their structure being known to the report developer. This is necessary for the standard eBusiness reports but developers of custom reports normally know the structures, and so can avoid these tags altogether (at least for new reports).

There are various ways of computing summaries in XML Publisher reports:

  • Within the SQL
  • within the XML group elements
  • within the layout template

SQL Summaries
Often the best way to do the summaries is in the SQL itself. This makes testing simpler because the queries can be run and debugged in SQL Developer or Toad, and also facilitates production support where developers can often run queries in a read-only schema, but can’t change the production code.

In the simple case of summarising detail groups that are defined against a main query, the summaries can be done using analytic functions partitioning by the master key for first level details, and as desired for any subsequent levels. In my example reports, Example Line One is summarised in this way; a subquery factor was used but this is optional here.

Groups defined against additional queries cannot be summarised quite so easily in the SQL. I have summarised the Example Line Two group by adding a subquery factor in the main query purely to do the summaries: Because the line detail is not present in the query we can’t do this by analytic functions, so a grouping summary in a separate subquery is necessary.

XML Group Summaries
Where possible SQL summaries via analytic functions appears best, but in other cases we may wish to consider the non-SQL alternatives. One of these is to define the summaries within the appropriate group as elements in the XML template setting the value attribute to the element in the lower level group to be summarised, and setting the function attribute as desired within a limited set of functions. I have not implemented this method in my examples.

XSL Layout Summaries
A further non-SQL alternative for summaries is to define them within the layout template using the XSL language, and I have implemented the summaries of Example Line Three using this method.

Database Package and Report Triggers

Each XML Publisher has a default package specified in the XML template, that handles parameter processing and implements any triggers required.

Package Spec
The spec declares both input parameters and lexical parameters, as well as the procedures that implement the report triggers (usually three).


Before Report

  • This trigger is used to process the lexical parameters, constructing the appropriate where condition depending on which optional parameters have values
  • The example packages show how ranges of character, date and number are processed. I have found it more convenient to pass dates as string parameters.

After Report

  • This trigger can be used to write column headings to the log file for fields that are logged in the group filter

Group Filter

  • This trigger can be used to filter out records depending on some condition, by returning FALSE.
  • I use it in the examples to log selected fields for each record returned.
  • This logging is particularly important for email bursting reports as it enables checking that emails to be sent externally are appropriate before sending in a second step.

Printed Example Report Details

Report Parameters
The report parameters were designed to illustrate the implementation of character, date and number ranges, with an equality join parameter that fits well with the report content, all optional:

  • Application – the eBusiness application id
  • Program name From and To parameters – character range
  • Creation date From and To parameters – date range
  • Number of parameters From and To parameters – number range

Where there is an associated email version it may be worth having an additional Yes/No parameter determining whether to include records that have an email address defined.

Layout Template
There is a single layout template, of .rtf format.

Layout Template Structure
XML Publisher Model - Layout

Layout Template File


Notes on Layout

  • Body and Margins
    • The page numbers are in the bottom margin (or footer)
    • The title, parameters and header fields are above the body tag, and repeat on each page of a given header record
  • Conditional Blocks and Columns
    • XSL if-blocks are used to conditionally print blocks such as input parameters, or detail tables depending on data values
    • XSL if-blocks with column qualifiers are used to conditionally print table columns: If there is no bursting file, the entire bursting file column will not appear
  • Sections and Page Breaks
    • The XSL for-each field for the header group uses the section qualifier, which, in conjunction with the page break field, specifies a new page after each header record except the last
    • By default, the above section qualifier would specify that page numbers reset with each header record, but this is overriden here by the initial-page-number field in the footer
  • XSL Summary
    • As discussed in the data model section, the line three summary is implemented in XSL – by the XSL count field

Email Bursting Example Report

Email Address Parameters
In addition to the printed report constraint parameters, three email address parameters have been added.

  • Override email address – setting a value here overrides the record level email address and is useful for testing
  • From and CC email addresses are parameters, which can be defaulted, for flexibility
  • The email address data source is hard-coded in this demo report: normally it would be something like a supplier email address at master record level

Two Step Bursting Process
The first step is to run the concurrent program for the report, which results in an XML file containing the report data to be created on the server. In the second step, a standard concurrent program ‘XML Publisher Report Bursting Program’ is run, passing the request id of the earlier custom report, in order to merge the XML data file with the layout template(s) and send the individual reports by email.

It’s sometimes recommended to trigger the running of the second program within the custom report itself, but it’s probably better not to do this, in order to allow validation of the reports and email addresses before sending them out.

Email Report Logging
The example report logs the email address and other fields in the concurrent program log file, including whether an override email address was specified, where the user can check them before executing the second step that sends out the emails.

Layout Template
There are two layout templates, of .rtf format, which are used conditionally depending on the type of record. The structure of the one used for XML type programs (shown below) has conditional header fields and the third lines block that are absent from the other (not shown).

Layout Template Structure
XML Publisher Model - Layout EM

Layout Template File


Notes on Layout

  • The master group is excluded from the template, although its fields are present in the header. The XML Publisher bursting program performs the looping over this group

Email Bursting XML File

<xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/xapi" type="bursting">
<xapi:request select="/XX_ERPXMLCP_EM/LIST_G_HDR/G_HDR">
<xapi:email server="" port="25" from="${FROM_EMAIL}" reply-to ="">
<xapi:message id="123" to="${EMAIL_ADDRESS}" cc="${CC_EMAIL}" 
attachment="true" subject="${SUB}">Dear Sir/Madam

Pleae find attached your concurrent program details. 

[Alternatively, leave blank and use output_type=html in document to have attachment go to body instead]</xapi:message>
<xapi:document output="CP_${PROG_NAME}.pdf" output-type="pdf" delivery="123">
<xapi:template type="rtf" location="XDO://CUSTOM.XX_ERPXMLCP_EM.en.US/?getSource=true" filter="//G_HDR[OUTPUT_TYPE!='XML']"></xapi:template>
<xapi:template type="rtf" location="XDO://CUSTOM.XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_XML.en.US/?getSource=true" filter="//G_HDR[OUTPUT_TYPE='XML']"></xapi:template>

Notes on Bursting File

  • The email server is specified in the bursting XML configuration file, along with the email addresses to be used, which can be variables from the selected records or hard-coded
  • The layout template is specified, and more than one can be included, as here, with filter conditions depending on selected data fields
  • Here the output is specified to be sent as a .pdf attachment; changing to output type html results in the the output appearing as body text
  • It can be useful to store some or all of the subject (or body) text on the database; the table fnd_messages is used to store the subject here, as records from the fnd tables can be installed automatically via fndload

Code to Download

The zip file Brendan_Model_XML_Reports contains a root folder and three subfolders, as follows:

  • Root – MD120 installation document for the email version. It references a generic Unix script that installs all objects, see A Generic Unix Script for Uploading Oracle eBusiness Concurrent Programs
  • Output – examples of log files for both printed and email versions and pdf outputs for printed version
  • XX_ERPXMLCP – complete code and metadata for the printed version
  • XX_ERPXMLCP_EM – complete code and metadata for the email version (except requires some printed version objects to be installed first)

A Design Pattern for Oracle eBusiness Audit Trail Reports with XML Publisher

Oracle eBusiness applications allow audit history records to be automatically maintained on database tables, as explained in the release 12 System Administrator’s guide, Reporting On AuditTrail Data.

Oracle E-Business Suite provides an auditing mechanism based on Oracle database triggers. AuditTrail stores change information in a “shadow table” of the audited table. This mechanism saves audit data in an uncompressed but “sparse” format, and you enable auditing for particular tables and groups of tables (“audit groups”).

Oracle provides an Audit Query Navigator page where it is possible to search for changes by primary key values. For reporting purposes, the manual says:

You should write audit reports as needed. Audit Trail provides the views of your shadow tables to make audit reporting easier; you can write your reports to use these views.

In fact the views are of little practical use, and it is quite hard to develop reports that are user-friendly, efficient and not over-complex, owing, amongst other things, to the “sparse” data format. However, once you have developed one you can use that as a design pattern and starting point for audit reporting on any of the eBusiness tables.

In this article I provide such a report for auditing external bank account changes on Oracle eBusiness 12.1. The report displays the current record, with lookup information, followed by a list of the changes within an input date range. Only records that have changes within that range are included, and for each change only the fields that were changed are listed. The lookup information includes a list of detail records, making the report overall pretty general in structure: It has a master entity with two independent detail entities, and therefore requires a minimum of two queries. This minimum number of queries is usually the best choice and is what I have implemented (it’s fine to have an extra query for global data, but I don’t have any here). The main query makes extensive use of analytic functions, case expressions and subquery factors to achieve the necessary data transformations as simply and efficiently as possible.

The report is implemented in XML (or BI) Publisher, which is the main batch reporting tool for Oracle eBusiness.

I start by showing sample output from the report, followed by the RTF template. The queries are then documented, starting with query structure diagrams with annotations explaining the logic. A link is included to a zip file with all the code and templates needed to install the report. Oracle provides extensive documentation on the setup of Auditing and developing in XML Publisher, so I will not cover this.

Report Layout
Example Output in Excel Format

  • There are three regions
    • Bank Account Current Record – the master record
    • Owners – first detail block, listing the owners of the bank account
    • Bank Account Changes – the second detail block, listing the audit history. Note that unchanged fields are omitted
  • Note that some audit fields are displayed directly, such as account number, while for others, such as branch number, the display value is on a referenced table

XML Publisher RTF Tempate

  • Note that each audit field has its own row in the table, but the if-block excludes it if both old and new values are null

Audit Query
Query Structure Diagram
Audit Query QSD
Subquery Tabulation


WITH audit_range AS (
SELECT DISTINCT ext_bank_account_id
  FROM iby_ext_bank_accounts_a aup
 WHERE 1=1
), audit_union AS (
SELECT ext_bank_account_id acc_id,
       CASE WHEN Substr (audit_true_nulls, 2, 1) = 'Y' OR audit_transaction_type = 'I' THEN '*NULL*' ELSE bank_account_name END acc_name,
       CASE WHEN Substr (audit_true_nulls, 3, 1) = 'Y' OR audit_transaction_type = 'I' THEN '*NULL*' ELSE bank_account_num END acc_num,
       CASE WHEN Substr (audit_true_nulls, 8, 1) = 'Y' OR audit_transaction_type = 'I' THEN '*NULL*' ELSE iban END iban,
       CASE WHEN Substr (audit_true_nulls, 7, 1) = 'Y' OR audit_transaction_type = 'I' THEN '*NULL*' ELSE currency_code END curr,
       CASE WHEN Substr (audit_true_nulls, 6, 1) = 'Y' OR audit_transaction_type = 'I' THEN '*NULL*' ELSE country_code END coun,
       CASE WHEN Substr (audit_true_nulls, 4, 1) = 'Y' OR audit_transaction_type = 'I' THEN 0 ELSE bank_id END bank_id,
       CASE WHEN Substr (audit_true_nulls, 5, 1) = 'Y' OR audit_transaction_type = 'I' THEN 0 ELSE branch_id END branch_id,
       audit_sequence_id seq_id,
       audit_user_name a_user,
       CASE WHEN audit_transaction_type = 'I' THEN 'INSERT' ELSE 'UPDATE' END a_type
  FROM iby_ext_bank_accounts_a aup
 WHERE aup.ext_bank_account_id IN (SELECT ext_bank_account_id FROM audit_range)
SELECT bac.ext_bank_account_id,
  FROM iby_ext_bank_accounts            bac
  JOIN fnd_user                         usr
    ON usr.user_id                      = bac.last_updated_by
 WHERE bac.ext_bank_account_id IN (SELECT ext_bank_account_id FROM audit_range)
), audit_pairs AS (
SELECT acc_id,
       First_Value (bank_id IGNORE NULLS) OVER 
        (PARTITION BY acc_id ORDER BY audit_timestamp, seq_id ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) bank_id_n,
       First_Value (branch_id IGNORE NULLS) OVER 
        (PARTITION BY acc_id ORDER BY audit_timestamp, seq_id ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) branch_id_n,
       First_Value (acc_name IGNORE NULLS) OVER 
        (PARTITION BY acc_id ORDER BY audit_timestamp, seq_id ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) acc_name_n,
       First_Value (acc_num IGNORE NULLS) OVER 
        (PARTITION BY acc_id ORDER BY audit_timestamp, seq_id ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) acc_num_n,
       First_Value (iban IGNORE NULLS) OVER 
        (PARTITION BY acc_id ORDER BY audit_timestamp, seq_id ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) iban_n,
       First_Value (curr IGNORE NULLS) OVER 
        (PARTITION BY acc_id ORDER BY audit_timestamp, seq_id ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) curr_n,
       First_Value (iban IGNORE NULLS) OVER 
        (PARTITION BY acc_id ORDER BY audit_timestamp, seq_id ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) coun_n,
  FROM audit_union
SELECT aup.acc_id,
       par_bnk.party_name bank_name,
       par_brn.party_name bra_name,
       orp.bank_or_branch_number bra_num,
       bac.bank_account_name acc_name,
       bac.bank_account_num acc_num,
       bac.country_code coun,
       bac.currency_code curr,
       To_Char (bac.creation_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') creation_date,
       usr.user_name created_by,
       To_Char (aup.audit_timestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') a_time,
attr: 1. NULL -> no change; 2. 0/'*NULL*' -> change from null; 3. 'other'-> change from not null
        old: 1 and 2 both return NULL; 3 returns old not null value
        new: only return value for 2 and 3, meaning some change
       CASE WHEN aup.bank_id != 0 THEN par_bnk_o.party_name END bank_name_o,
       CASE WHEN aup.bank_id IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN aup.bank_id_n != 0 THEN par_bnk_o.party_name END END bank_name_n,
       CASE WHEN aup.branch_id != 0 THEN par_brn_o.party_name END bra_name_o,
       CASE WHEN aup.branch_id IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN aup.branch_id_n != 0 THEN par_brn_n.party_name END END bra_name_n,
       CASE WHEN aup.branch_id != 0 THEN orp_o.bank_or_branch_number END bra_num_o,
       CASE WHEN aup.branch_id IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN aup.branch_id_n != 0 THEN orp_n.bank_or_branch_number END END bra_num_n,
       CASE WHEN aup.acc_name != '*NULL*' THEN aup.acc_name END acc_name_o,
       CASE WHEN aup.acc_name IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN aup.acc_name_n != '*NULL*' THEN aup.acc_name_n END END acc_name_n,
       CASE WHEN aup.acc_num != '*NULL*' THEN aup.acc_num END acc_num_o,
       CASE WHEN aup.acc_num IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN aup.acc_num_n != '*NULL*' THEN aup.acc_num_n END END acc_num_n,
       CASE WHEN aup.iban != '*NULL*' THEN aup.iban END iban_o,
       CASE WHEN aup.iban IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN aup.iban_n != '*NULL*' THEN aup.iban_n END END iban_n,
       CASE WHEN aup.curr != '*NULL*' THEN aup.curr END curr_o,
       CASE WHEN aup.curr IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN aup.curr_n != '*NULL*' THEN aup.curr_n END END curr_n,
       CASE WHEN aup.coun != '*NULL*' THEN aup.coun END coun_o,
       CASE WHEN aup.coun IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN aup.coun_n != '*NULL*' THEN aup.coun_n END END coun_n
  FROM audit_pairs                      aup
  JOIN iby_ext_bank_accounts            bac
    ON bac.ext_bank_account_id          = aup.acc_id
  LEFT JOIN hz_parties                  par_bnk
    ON par_bnk.party_id                 = bac.bank_id
  LEFT JOIN hz_parties                  par_bnk_o
    ON par_bnk_o.party_id               = aup.bank_id
  LEFT JOIN hz_parties                  par_bnk_n
    ON par_bnk_n.party_id               = aup.bank_id_n
  LEFT JOIN hz_parties                  par_brn
    ON par_brn.party_id                 = bac.branch_id
  LEFT JOIN hz_organization_profiles    orp
    ON orp.party_id                     = par_brn.party_id
   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN Trunc (orp.effective_start_date) AND Nvl (Trunc (orp.effective_end_date), SYSDATE+1)
  LEFT JOIN hz_parties                  par_brn_o
    ON par_brn_o.party_id               = aup.branch_id
  LEFT JOIN hz_organization_profiles    orp_o
    ON orp_o.party_id                   = par_brn_o.party_id
   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN Trunc (orp_o.effective_start_date) AND Nvl (Trunc (orp_o.effective_end_date), SYSDATE+1)
  LEFT JOIN hz_parties                  par_brn_n
    ON par_brn_n.party_id               = aup.branch_id_n
  LEFT JOIN hz_organization_profiles    orp_n
    ON orp_n.party_id                   = par_brn_n.party_id
   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN Trunc (orp_n.effective_start_date) AND Nvl (Trunc (orp_n.effective_end_date), SYSDATE+1)
  JOIN fnd_user                         usr
    ON usr.user_id                      = bac.created_by
 WHERE aup.seq_id                       IS NOT NULL
 ORDER BY aup.acc_id, aup.audit_timestamp DESC, aup.seq_id DESC

Owners Query
Query Structure Diagram
Owners Query
Subquery Tabulation


SELECT par.party_name owner,
  FROM iby_account_owners               own
  JOIN hz_parties                       par
    ON par.party_id                     = own.account_owner_party_id
  LEFT JOIN ap_suppliers                sup
    ON sup.party_id                     = par.party_id
 WHERE own.ext_bank_account_id          = :ACC_ID

Code for Bank Account Auditing XML Publisher Report


See also A Generic Unix Script for Uploading Oracle eBusiness Concurrent Programs