In my last Oracle User Group presentation, Database API Viewed As A Mathematical Function: Insights into Testing, I discussed how the concept of the pure function can be extremely useful in the context of automated testing of database APIs.
In this article I show how the concept can also be useful in testing, and writing, SQL queries regardless of whether or not automated testing is in use. The idea is that queries often contain complex logic involving CASE, Nvl and other logical constructs, as well as retrieval of database data. If we could somehow separate out the pure logical part from the impure database accesses, we may be able to do more effective testing, since pure functions are inherently easier to test than impure ones. We will show this by means of a simple example against the Oracle HR demo schema.
Suppose we want to calculate an employee bonus using the following logic:
- Use a 10% multiplier applied to one of two salaries…
- …for department managers, use the departmental average salary; for others, use their own salary
- For employees who have been previously employed, i.e. who have a job history record, add a further 10%
- For employees whose job is ‘IT_PROG’, add a (well deserved π ) further 50%
Here is a query to calculate this, with results:
WITH depsals AS ( SELECT dep.department_id, dep.manager_id, Avg(emp.salary) avgsal FROM departments dep JOIN employees emp ON emp.department_id = dep.department_id GROUP BY Dep.department_id, dep.manager_id ) SELECT emp.employee_id, emp.salary, dsl.avgsal, Round(Nvl(dsl.avgsal, emp.salary) * 0.1 * Nvl2(jhs.employee_id, 1.1, 1) * CASE job.job_id WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.5 ELSE 1 END) bonus FROM employees emp JOIN jobs job ON emp.job_id = job.job_id LEFT JOIN depsals dsl ON dsl.manager_id = emp.employee_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT employee_id FROM job_history GROUP BY employee_id) jhs ON jhs.employee_id = emp.employee_id ORDER BY 1 EMPLOYEE_ID SALARY AVGSAL BONUS ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 100 24000 19333.3333 1933 101 17000 1870 102 17000 1870 103 9000 5760 864 104 6000 900 105 4800 720 106 4800 720 107 4200 630 108 12008 8601.33333 860 109 9000 900 110 8200 820 111 7700 770 112 7800 780 113 6900 690 114 11000 4150 457 115 3100 310 116 2900 290 117 2800 280 118 2600 260 119 2500 250 120 8000 800 121 8200 3475.55556 348 122 7900 869 123 6500 650 124 5800 580 125 3200 320 126 2700 270 127 2400 240 128 2200 220 129 3300 330 130 2800 280 131 2500 250 132 2100 210 133 3300 330 134 2900 290 135 2400 240 136 2200 220 137 3600 360 138 3200 320 139 2700 270 140 2500 250 141 3500 350 142 3100 310 143 2600 260 144 2500 250 145 14000 8955.88235 896 146 13500 1350 147 12000 1200 148 11000 1100 149 10500 1050 150 10000 1000 151 9500 950 152 9000 900 153 8000 800 154 7500 750 155 7000 700 156 10000 1000 157 9500 950 158 9000 900 159 8000 800 160 7500 750 161 7000 700 162 10500 1050 163 9500 950 164 7200 720 165 6800 680 166 6400 640 167 6200 620 168 11500 1150 169 10000 1000 170 9600 960 171 7400 740 172 7300 730 173 6100 610 174 11000 1100 175 8800 880 176 8600 946 177 8400 840 178 7000 700 179 6200 620 180 3200 320 181 3100 310 182 2500 250 183 2800 280 184 4200 420 185 4100 410 186 3400 340 187 3000 300 188 3800 380 189 3600 360 190 2900 290 191 2500 250 192 4000 400 193 3900 390 194 3200 320 195 2800 280 196 3100 310 197 3000 300 198 2600 260 199 2600 260 200 4400 4400 484 201 13000 9500 1045 202 6000 600 203 6500 6500 650 204 10000 10000 1000 205 12008 10154 1015 206 8300 830 107 rows selected.
We see the bonus calculation in the select list with fields embedded from tables and a subquery. Setting up test data in multiple tables, and filtering out database noise can be a difficult task, so it would be nice if we could bypass that to test the calculation logic independently. If we are on version 12.1 or higher we can facilitate this by making the calculation into a WITH function, like this:
WITH FUNCTION calc_bonus(p_jhs_emp_id NUMBER, p_job_id VARCHAR2, p_salary NUMBER, p_avgsal NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN RETURN Round(0.1 * Nvl(p_avgsal, p_salary) * CASE WHEN p_jhs_emp_id IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 1.1 END * CASE p_job_id WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.5 ELSE 1 END); END; depsals AS ( SELECT dep.department_id, dep.manager_id, Avg(emp.salary) avgsal FROM departments dep JOIN employees emp ON emp.department_id = dep.department_id GROUP BY Dep.department_id, dep.manager_id ) SELECT emp.employee_id, emp.salary, dsl.avgsal, calc_bonus(jhs.employee_id, job.job_id, emp.salary, dsl.avgsal) bonus FROM employees emp JOIN jobs job ON emp.job_id = job.job_id LEFT JOIN depsals dsl ON dsl.manager_id = emp.employee_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT employee_id FROM job_history GROUP BY employee_id) jhs ON jhs.employee_id = emp.employee_id ORDER BY 1
Now the declared function, which is ‘pure’, separates out the calculation logic from the impure parts of the query that reference database fields. We can now test this function by replacing the rest of the query with a test data generator designed to cover all scenarios.
In the presentation referenced above I discussed how to assess test coverage properly, in terms of behavioural, or scenario, coverage, rather than the popular but spurious ‘code coverage’ metrics. I explained the value of thinking in terms of domain and subdomain partitioning to maximise true test coverage. If the subdomains are orthogonal (or independent) we can test behaviour across their partitions in parallel. What about the current case? We can see that we have three subdomains, each having two partitions, and in fact they are interdependent (because they multiply together an error in one factor could neutralise an error in another): that means we need 2x2x2 = 8 test records. There is no need to vary the base salary, so we will use a bind variable:
The query with test data generator is then:
WITH FUNCTION calc_bonus(p_jhs_emp_id NUMBER, p_job_id VARCHAR2, p_salary NUMBER, p_avgsal NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN RETURN Round(0.1 * Nvl(p_avgsal, p_salary) * CASE WHEN p_jhs_emp_id IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 1.1 END * CASE p_job_id WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.5 ELSE 1 END); END; test_data AS ( SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER' job_id, NULL avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 1 jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER' job_id, NULL avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, NULL avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 1 jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, NULL avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 1 jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 1 jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL ) SELECT dat.jhs_emp_id, dat.job_id, dat.avgsal, calc_bonus(dat.jhs_emp_id, dat.job_id, :SALARY, dat.avgsal) bonus FROM test_data dat ORDER BY 1, 2, 3
JHS_EMP_ID JOB_ID AVGSAL BONUS ---------- ------- ---------- ---------- 1 IT_PROG 10000 1650 1 IT_PROG 3300 1 OTHER 10000 1100 1 OTHER 2200 IT_PROG 10000 1500 IT_PROG 3000 OTHER 10000 1000 OTHER 2000
The results can be checked manually, and there is probably little value in automating this beyond scripting.
Ok, but what if we are on a database version prior to 12.1, or for some reason we don’t want to use a WITH function? In that case, we can do something similar, but not quite as cleanly because we will need to modify the code under test slightly, to reference the test data subquery:
WITH test_data AS ( SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER' job_id, NULL avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 1 jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER' job_id, NULL avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, NULL avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 1 jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, NULL avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 1 jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 1 jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL ) SELECT dat.jhs_emp_id, dat.job_id, dat.avgsal, Round(Nvl(dat.avgsal, :SALARY) * 0.1 * Nvl2(dat.jhs_emp_id, 1.1, 1) * CASE dat.job_id WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.5 ELSE 1 END) bonus FROM test_data dat ORDER BY 1, 2, 3
We have shown how extracting pure functionality from a query can help in making testing more rigorous and modular.
We have also shown how the WITH function feature, new in v12.1, can be used to extract pure functions from the main SQL and so enhance modularity and testability. This is a usage for the feature that is not commonly noted, the advantage usually cited being replacement of database functions to avoid context switches.
If you want to see more examples of functions in the WITH clause let me google that for you… π