A Layered Approach To Processing XML Web Services

As explained in an earlier post, Data Modelling XML SOAP Documents, I have an approach to calling web services that involves the use of a generic layer that lies between the client applications and low-level APIs for HTTP calls and XML processing. The earlier post introduces the subject, and deals with the data modelling aspects. This post gives high-level, largely diagrammatic, design information for my PL/SQL implementation of the approach. I expect to post on examples of use and results at a later date.

Layer Diagram

External Call Structure

External Call Structure Diagram

External Call Procedures

Procedure Description

Client Side

Client Program Any client program that needs to access web services
Client Converter A program specific to the client to convert between the generic data models of the package and the formats of the client. If there is only one client program then the converter need not be a separate program.

WS Package

Set Header Adds header level nodes into the XML Tree array
Format Attribute Formats an attribute string from name, value and name-space prefix
Add Element (Request) Adds an element node into the XML Tree array
Add Record (Request) Adds a record, consisting of a record header element and child element nodes, into the XML Tree array
Add Element (Response) Adds an element node into the Structure Tree array
Add Record (Response) Adds a record, consisting of a record header element and child element nodes, into the Structure Tree array
Process Web Service Converts the XML Tree array into the SOAP request message, calls the web service and transforms the SOAP response message into the output Data Tree array
Write Output Writes the output Data Tree array

Web Service Call

Web Service Call Structure Diagram

Web Service Call Structure Procedures

Procedure Description

Custom Procedures

Call Web Service Coordinating procedure for the web service call. Note that both request and response writing and reading calls are within loops as the messages can be more than the HTTP maximum chunk size of 32767 bytes
Expand Element (Request) Recursive procedure to create the XML SOAP request from the XML Tree array and other inputs
Delim Field Formats an XML element within its tags
Expand Element (Response) Recursive procedure to convert the initial form of Group Structure Tree List by Parent into the nested form, Group Structure Tree List, used by later processing

Oracle Built-in Packages

UTL_HTTP Oracle HTTP package used to make the HTTP request and read the response
DBMS_LOB Oracle ‘large object’ package used for processing CLOB variables for the full request and response, passed in 32767-byte chunks in the HTTP calls
DBMS_XMLDOM Oracle XML package used to create an XML document and node from the response
XMLTYPE Oracle XML package used to create a variable of XML type for passing to the above package

Populate Tree Call

Populate Tree Call Structure Diagram

Populate Tree Procedures

Procedure Description

Custom Procedures

Populate Tree Main procedure for populating Data Tree List array. First an attempt is made to populate the output tree specified by the input Group Structure Tree List array; if this returns an error, then a second call is made to populate the output tree specified by the standard error group structure; sometimes this too can fail, if the HHTP response is not the expected SOAP message, and this will also be trapped and returned as an error message variable
Check Fault Resets the input Group Structure Tree List array to match the standard SOAP error structure and calls the next procedure to populate the corresponding output tree
Populate Specific Tree Populates the output tree specified by the current Group Structure Tree List array: this may be either that specified by the client application, or the standard error structure
Populate Tree Record Recursive procedure to build the output Data Tree List array using Oracle’s XML APIs

Oracle Built-in Packages

DBMS_XMLDOM ‘The DBMS_XMLDOM package is used to access XMLType objects, and implements the Document Object Model (DOM), an application programming interface for HTML and XML documents’ – Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, v11.2
DBMS_XMLProcessor ‘The DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR package provides an interface to manage the contents and structure of XML documents’ – Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, v11.2

Data Modelling of XML SOAP Documents

I have been involved in a number of projects where web services are used for interfacing, and have generally found a high level of complexity in their use compared with traditional interfacing methods. One of the areas of complexity lies in converting between the XML messages and the fields and arrays used in conventional programming languages such as Oracle PL/SQL. Often this is handled in an unmodular way with request messages being manually built, and the response message being parsed by individual xpath searches for specific strings.

My approach is to handle these conversions in a generic layer that lies between the client applications and the low-level APIs provided by the programming language for HTTP calls and XML processing. This post deals with a data model and the data structures used in the PL/SQL package that I wrote for calling web services from PL/SQL. I have posted on the program itself here: A Layered Approach To Processing XML Web Services and expect to post on examples of use at a later date.

Web Services
XML web services have become a standard mechanism for interfacing data between applications across the internet. The advantage that they have is that a standard transfer mechanism (HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is used, and the data are formatted according to a standard specification, regardless of the technologies in which the applications are implemented. The data formats are described in a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file, and interfacing is effected using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) messages, as specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Web services form the cornerstone of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), which Oracle uses in its Application Integration Architecture (AIA). A good acronym dictionary is vital for working in these areas 🙂

Interfacing by web services consists of sending input data as a text string in XML format by an HTTP request, and receiving an HTTP response, also as a text string in XML format.

My Web Service Interface Program
The layer package is intended to handle any data structures that can be represented in XML. On the request side, the client application will call layer APIs to add records and elements to build the request structure without having to write any XML directly, and the layer will construct the XML SOAP message and call the web service. The response side relies on a generic data structure comprising two hierarchical arrays: a structure array that specifies the group structure of the response XML message (or a subset of it), and a data array that holds the data with pointers to the structure array. The structure array forms an input, and is used by the layer to call standard XML APIs (Oracle XML APIs in my implementation) to retrieve the data from the response. The data modelling and conceptual framework are not language-specific, while my implementation is in Oracle PL/SQL.

SOAP Data Model
Both input and output of a web service call include an XML SOAP message, which is a text string consisting of the data in the form of an XML hierarchy. The elements in the hierarchy contain a mandatory name field, plus optional namespace and value, optional list of child elements, and an optional list of attributes. The hierarchy must contain certain standard elements and attributes, within a structure shown in this skeleton SOAP message (modified from an example here SOAP Tutorial/SOAP Syntax, by W3Schools.com ):

In addition to the standard elements and attributes, there may be application specific elements, attributes and values as indicated by the ellipses.The hierarchy of elements can be represented as below, where the group entity on the left represents the fact that a number of elements at a given level may be implicitly grouped, although without this grouping being explicit in the SOAP document. We use this grouping in the data structures on the response side but not on the request side:

Each element in an XML document has a name, an optional value, optional attribute name/value pairs, with the names being optionally name space-qualified, and the element may contain child elements. Please refer to widely available documentation on the SOAP protocol for further information; here’s a link I found useful: A Busy Developer’s Guide to SOAP 1.1

Request Side Data Structures

The diagram shows the main data structures that we use for building the request. Boxes with double borders represent arrays, and a solid arrow represents a pointer from a field to an array element.

The XML Tree List structure is derived from the general model above by treating the list of attributes as a string to be included in the element entity, and corresponds to the array specified by data type xml_tree_list_type in the following table. This array is built from procedure calls by the client application, and is processed internally by a recursive procedure to construct the SOAP request message. Note that as well as the XML tree types, we have defined two additional list structures for convenience of parameter passing:

  • Name Space List for passing name spaces
  • XML Field List as it is often convenient to treat a group of fields as a record, consisting of a parent element and a list of child fields

Name Space List Data Types

Type Name Element Category Description
name_space_type Object Name space
ns_label Character Name space label
ns_address Character Name space address
name_space_list_type Array List of name spaces
(unnamed element) name_space_type* Name space

Field List Data Types

Type Name Element Category Description
field_type Object XML field
field_name Character Field name
field_value Character Field value (optional)
field_list_type Array List of XML fields
(unnamed element) field_type* XML field

XML Tree List Data Types

Type Name Element Category Description
xml_tree_type Object Record in the XML tree holding the data for an XML element
parent_id Integer Index to parent record in the XML tree
ns_label Character Name space label (optional)
field_name Character Field name
field_value Character Field value (optional)
attr_string Character Attribute string, including name and value (optional)
xml_tree_list_type Array XML tree
(unnamed element) xml_tree_type* Record in the XML tree

Response Side Data Structures

The diagram shows the main data structures that we use for processing the response. The broken arrow between the two arrays signifies that each nested child list in the data tree corresponds to a child group record in the structure tree.

The Group Structure Tree List array defines the group structure of the output data structure. To simplify input, this is first set up in an unnested structure, where a field points to its parent, by procedure calls from the client application. The program then converts this into the nested structure shown below it, where the children are included in the parent record, which is more suitable for the later processing. Note that the hierarchy may be, and usually is, a subset of the actual SOAP response, since typically layers are present in a SOAP response message that are not useful for the client application. Also note that in the event of a standard error response being returned from the web service, the group structure is replaced by that for the error response by the program.

  • Each of the arrays (at the top level) has a root element without a parent, and these records have null values other than for their respective child lists
  • The model can represent any number of hierarchy levels

Group Structure Data Types

Type Name Element Category Description
int_list_type Array List of integers
(unnamed element) Integer Integer
structure_tree_type Object Structure tree record
group_name Character The group tag, used as a search string
ns_prefix Character Name space prefix
attr_string Character An attribute string that has to be included in searches where the group name is ambiguous (Oracle JDeveloper uses array as a group tag for arrays, with an attribute to differentiate)
child_list int_list_type*
structure_tree_list_type Array Structure tree list
(unnamed element) structure_tree_type* Structure tree record

Data Structure Data Types

Type Name Element Category Description
child_group_list_type Array List of indexes in the data tree list of child groups of current data tree record
(unnamed element) int_list_type* List of indexes in the data tree list of child records of current group
data_tree_type Object Data tree record
field_list field_list_type* Field list (specified in input side)
child_group_list child_group_list_type* List of indexes in the data tree list of child groups of current data tree record
data_tree_list_type Array Data tree list
(unnamed element) data_tree_type* Data tree record

Generic Data Models
In database design it is well known that overly generic data models lead to poor performance and extra application complexity. The web service interfacing model is of course highly generic, and it should be noted that the same problems may indeed offset the acknowledged standardisation advantages. The data model and structures described here necessarily reflect the genericity of the underlying architecture, while the approach taken is intended to reduce application complexity by moving much of it into a callable module.