Analysing Performance of Algorithmic SQL and PL/SQL – Ireland Oracle User Group Conference 2022

I’m speaking on ‘Analysing Performance of Algorithmic SQL and PL/SQL’ at the Oracle User Group Ireland conference 2022 at 1105am on 5 September 2022 in the Gresham hotel, Dublin.

Here’s my abstract:

and here’s the agenda.

Here is a Twitter thread with some recordings on a blog post that relates to the same subject, Shortest Path Analysis of Large Networks by SQL and PL/SQL.

My agenda:


Shortest Path Analysis of Large Networks by SQL and PL/SQL – Intro

This is an introduction to an article, Shortest Path Analysis of Large Networks by SQL and PL/SQL, on the use of SQL and PL/SQL to solve shortest path network problems on an Oracle database. It provides solutions in pure SQL (based on previous articles by the author), and solutions in PL/SQL with embedded SQL that scale better for larger problems.

It applies the solutions to a range of problems, upto a size of 2,800,309 nodes and 109,262,592 links.

Standard and custom methods for execution time profiling of the code are included, and one of the algorithms implemented in PL/SQL is tuned based on the profiling.

The two PL/SQL entry points have automated unit tests using the Math Function Unit Testing design pattern, Trapit – Oracle PL/SQL unit testing module.

Movie Morsel: Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

All code and examples are available on GitHub.

There is a series of mp4 recordings, in the mp4 folder on GitHub, briefly going through the sections of the blog post, which can also be viewed via Twitter:

Twitter Recordings


The contents of the article are listed below.

Unit Testing, Scenarios and Categories: The SCAN Method – Intro

The art of unit testing lies in choosing a set of scenarios that will produce a high degree of confidence in the functioning of the unit under test across the often very large range of possible inputs.

This article, Unit Testing, Scenarios and Categories: The SCAN Method, posted on my new GitHub blog, discusses how to do this, and proposes a method introduced in a recent GitHub project, called Scenario Category ANalysis, or SCAN for short.

It begins with a section on background that includes a link to a 2018 presentation on unit testing that introduced the concept of domain partitioning as a way of breaking infinite input spaces into a finite set of subspaces. This concept is explained here, followed by a discussion of how domain categories can form the basis for a practical approach to breaking up the input space. There is a section with examples of use of category sets to develop unit test scenarios taken from a range of my own Oracle GitHub projects.

Next, Scenario Category ANalysis (SCAN) is outlined as a systematic method for deriving unit test scenarios. We conclude with a section showing the application of the method to three examples using base code from third-party articles, taken from the GitHub project on the SCAN method.

Scanners IMDB

There is an mp4 recording briefly (2m13s) going through the sections of the blog post:

Twitter recording


The contents of the article are listed below. Click on the link above to access the article.