Shortest Path Analysis of Large Networks by SQL and PL/SQL – Intro

This is an introduction to an article, Shortest Path Analysis of Large Networks by SQL and PL/SQL, on the use of SQL and PL/SQL to solve shortest path network problems on an Oracle database. It provides solutions in pure SQL (based on previous articles by the author), and solutions in PL/SQL with embedded SQL that scale better for larger problems.

It applies the solutions to a range of problems, upto a size of 2,800,309 nodes and 109,262,592 links.

Standard and custom methods for execution time profiling of the code are included, and one of the algorithms implemented in PL/SQL is tuned based on the profiling.

The two PL/SQL entry points have automated unit tests using the Math Function Unit Testing design pattern, Trapit – Oracle PL/SQL unit testing module.

Movie Morsel: Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

All code and examples are available on GitHub.

There is a series of mp4 recordings, in the mp4 folder on GitHub, briefly going through the sections of the blog post, which can also be viewed via Twitter:

Twitter Recordings


The contents of the article are listed below.

Oracle PL/SQL API Demos Github Module

This post is essentially the readme for my Github module, Oracle PL/SQL API Demos

This is a Github module demonstrating instrumentation and logging, code timing and unit testing of Oracle PL/SQL APIs.

PL/SQL procedures were written against Oracle’s HR demo schema to represent the different kinds of API across two axes: Setter/Getter and Real Time/Batch.

Mode          | Setter Example (S)          | Getter Example (G)
Real Time (R) | Web service saving          | Web service getting by ref cursor
Batch (B)     | Batch loading of flat files | View

The PL/SQL procedures and view were written originally to demonstrate unit testing, and are as follows:

  • RS: Emp_WS.Save_Emps – Save a list of new employees to database, returning list of ids with Julian dates; logging errors to err$ table
  • RG: Emp_WS.Get_Dept_Emps – For given department id, return department and employee details including salary ratios, excluding employees with job ‘AD_ASST’, and returning none if global salary total < 1600, via ref cursor
  • BS: Emp_Batch.Load_Emps – Load new/updated employees from file via external table
  • BG: hr_test_view_v – View returning department and employee details including salary ratios, excluding employees with job ‘AD_ASST’, and returning none if global salary total < 1600

Each of these is unit tested, as described below, and in addition there is a driver script, api_driver.sql, that calls each of them and lists the results of logging and code timing.

I presented on Writing Clean Code in PL/SQL and SQL at the Ireland Oracle User Group Conference on 4 April 2019 in Dublin. The modules demonstrated here are written in the style recommended in the presentation where, in particular:

  • ‘functional’ code is preferred
  • object-oriented code is used only where necessary, using a package record array approach, rather than type bodies
  • record types, defaults and overloading used extensively to provide clean API interfaces

Screen Recordings on this Module

I initially made a series of screen recordings that are available at the links below, and later condensed each recording to a length that would upload directly to Twitter, i.e. less than 140 seconds. You can find the Twitter thread here. Both sets of recordings are also available in the recordings subfolder of the repository. The links below are to the initial, longer set of recordings.

1 Overview (6 recordings – 48m)

2 Prerequisite Tools (1 recording – 3m)

3 Installation (3 recordings – 15m)

4 Running the scripts (4 recordings – 30m)

Unit Testing

The PL/SQL APIs are tested using the Math Function Unit Testing design pattern, with test results in HTML and text format included. The design pattern is based on the idea that all API testing programs can follow a universal design pattern, using the concept of a ‘pure’ function as a wrapper to manage the ‘impurity’ inherent in database APIs. I explained the concepts involved in a presentation at the Ireland Oracle User Group Conference in March 2018:

The Database API Viewed As A Mathematical Function: Insights into Testing

In this data-driven design pattern a driver program reads a set of scenarios from a JSON file, and loops over the scenarios calling the wrapper function with the scenario as input and obtaining the results as the return value. Utility functions from the Trapit module convert the input JSON into PL/SQL arrays, and, conversely, the output arrays into JSON text that is written to an output JSON file. This latter file contains all the input values and output values (expected and actual), as well as metadata describing the input and output groups. A separate nodejs module can be run to process the output files and create HTML files showing the results: Each unit test (say `pkg.prc`) has its own root page `pkg.prc.html` with links to a page for each scenario, located within a subfolder `pkg.prc`. Here, they have been copied into a subfolder test_output, as follows:

  • tt_emp_batch.load_emps
  • tt_emp_ws.get_dept_emps
  • tt_emp_ws.save_emps
  • tt_view_drivers.hr_test_view_v

Where the actual output record matches expected, just one is represented, while if the actual differs it is listed below the expected and with background colour red. The employee group in scenario 4 of tt_emp_ws.save_emps has two records deliberately not matching, the first by changing the expected salary and the second by adding a duplicate expected record.

Each of the `pkg.prc` subfolders also includes a JSON Structure Diagram, `pkg.prc.png`, showing the input/output structure of the pure unit test wrapper function. For example:

Running a test causes the actual values to be inserted to the JSON object, which is then formatted as HTML pages:

Here is the output JSON for the 4’th scenario of the corresponding test:

    "2 valid records, 1 invalid job id (2 deliberate errors)":{
             "LN 4|EM 4|IT_PROG|3000",
             "LN 5|EM 5|NON_JOB|4000",
             "LN 6|EM 6|IT_PROG|5000"
                "3|LN 4|EM 4|IT_PROG|1000",
                "5|LN 6|EM 6|IT_PROG|5000",
                "5|LN 6|EM 6|IT_PROG|5000"
                "3|LN 4|EM 4|IT_PROG|3000",
                "5|LN 6|EM 6|IT_PROG|5000"
          "Output array":{
                "3|LIKE /^[A-Z -]+[A-Z]$/",
                "0|ORA-02291: integrity constraint (.) violated - parent key not found",
                "5|LIKE /^[A-Z -]+[A-Z]$/"
                "0|ORA-02291: integrity constraint (.) violated - parent key not found",
                "5|TWO THOUSAND"

Here are images of the unit test summary and 4’th scenario pages for the corresponding test:

Logging and Instrumentation

Program instrumentation means including lines of code to monitor the execution of a program, such as tracing lines covered, numbers of records processed, and timing information. Logging means storing such information, in database tables or elsewhere.

The Log_Set module allows for logging of various data in a lines table linked to a header for a given log, with the logging level configurable at runtime. The module also uses Oracle’s DBMS_Application_Info API to allow for logging in memory only with information accessible via the V$SESSION and V$SESSION_LONGOPS views.

The two web service-type APIs, Emp_WS.Save_Emps and Emp_WS.Get_Dept_Emps, use a configuration that logs only via DBMS_Application_Info, while the batch API, Emp_Batch.Load_Emps, also logs to the tables. The view of course does not do any logging itself but calling programs can log the results of querying it.

The driver script api_driver.sql calls all four of the demo APIs and performs its own logging of the calls and the results returned, including the DBMS_Application_Info on exit. The driver logs using a special DEBUG configuration where the log is constructed implicitly by the first Put, and there is no need to pass a log identifier when putting (so debug lines can be easily added in any called package). At the end of the script queries are run that list the contents of the logs created during the session in creation order, first normal logs, then a listing for error logs (of which one is created by deliberately raising an exception handled in WHEN OTHERS).

Here, for example, is the text logged by the driver script for the first call:

Call Emp_WS.Save_Emps to save a list of employees passed...
DBMS_Application_Info: Module = EMP_WS: Log id 127
...................... Action = Log id 127 closed at 12-Sep-2019 06:20:2
...................... Client Info = Exit: Save_Emps, 2 inserted
Print the records returned...

Code Timing

The code timing module Timer_Set is used by the driver script, api_driver.sql, to time the various calls, and at the end of the main block the results are logged using Log_Set.

The timing results are listed for illustration below:

Timer Set: api_driver, Constructed at 12 Sep 2019 06:20:28, written at 06:20:29
Timer             Elapsed         CPU       Calls       Ela/Call       CPU/Call
-------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -------------  -------------
Save_Emps            0.00        0.00           1        0.00100        0.00000
Get_Dept_Emps        0.00        0.00           1        0.00100        0.00000
Write_File           0.00        0.02           1        0.00300        0.02000
Load_Emps            0.22        0.15           1        0.22200        0.15000
Delete_File          0.00        0.00           1        0.00200        0.00000
View_To_List         0.00        0.00           1        0.00200        0.00000
(Other)              0.00        0.00           1        0.00000        0.00000
-------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -------------  -------------
Total                0.23        0.17           7        0.03300        0.02429
-------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -------------  -------------
[Timer timed (per call in ms): Elapsed: 0.00794, CPU: 0.00873]

Functional PL/SQL

The recordings 1.5 and 1.6 show examples of the functional style of PL/SQL used in the utility packages demonstrated, and here is a diagram from 1.6 illustrating a design pattern identified in refactoring the main subprogram of the unit test programs.


Install 1: Install pre-requisite tools

Oracle database with HR demo schema

The database installation requires a minimum Oracle version of 12.2, with Oracle’s HR demo schema installed Oracle Database Software Downloads.

If HR demo schema is not installed, it can be got from here: Oracle Database Sample Schemas.

Github Desktop

In order to clone the code as a git repository you need to have the git application installed. I recommend Github Desktop UI for managing repositories on windows. This depends on the git application, available here: git downloads, but can also be installed from within Github Desktop, according to these instructions:
How to install GitHub Desktop.

nodejs (Javascript backend)

nodejs is needed to run a program that turns the unit test output files into formatted HTML pages. It requires no javascript knowledge to run the program, and nodejs can be installed here.

Install 2: Clone git repository

The following steps will download the repository into a folder, oracle_plsql_api_demos, within your GitHub root folder:

  • Open Github desktop and click [File/Clone repository…]
  • Paste into the url field on the URL tab:
  • Choose local path as folder where you want your GitHub root to be
  • Click [Clone]

Install 3: Install pre-requisite modules

The demo install depends on the pre-requisite modules Utils, Trapit, Log_Set, and Timer_Set, and `lib` and `app` schemas refer to the schemas in which Utils and examples are installed, respectively.

The pre-requisite modules can be installed by following the instructions for each module at the module root pages listed in the `See also` section below. This allows inclusion of the examples and unit tests for those modules. Alternatively, the next section shows how to install these modules directly without their examples or unit tests here.

[Schema: sys; Folder: install_prereq] Create lib and app schemas and Oracle directory

  • install_sys.sql creates an Oracle directory, `input_dir`, pointing to ‘c:\input’. Update this if necessary to a folder on the database server with read/write access for the Oracle OS user
  • Run script from slqplus:

SQL> @install_sys

[Schema: lib; Folder: install_prereq\lib] Create lib components

  • Run script from slqplus:

SQL> @install_lib_all

[Schema: app; Folder: install_prereq\app] Create app synonyms

  • Run script from slqplus:

SQL> @c_syns_all

[Folder: (npm root)] Install npm trapit package

The npm trapit package is a nodejs package used to format unit test results as HTML pages.

Open a DOS or Powershell window in the folder where you want to install npm packages, and, with nodejs installed, run:

$ npm install trapit

This should install the trapit nodejs package in a subfolder .\node_modules\trapit

Install 4: Create Oracle PL/SQL API Demos components

[Folder: (root)]

  • Copy the following files from the root folder to the server folder pointed to by the Oracle directory INPUT_DIR:
    • tt_emp_ws.save_emps_inp.json
    • tt_emp_ws.get_dept_emps_inp.json
    • tt_emp_batch.load_emps_inp.json
    • tt_view_drivers.hr_test_view_v_inp.json
  • There is also a bash script to do this, assuming C:\input as INPUT_DIR:

$ ./

[Schema: lib; Folder: lib]

  • Run script from slqplus:

SQL> @install_jobs app

[Schema: hr; Folder: hr]

  • Run script from slqplus:

SQL> @install_hr app

[Schema: app; Folder: app]

  • Run script from slqplus:

SQL> @install_api_demos lib

Running Driver Script and Unit Tests

Running driver script

[Schema: app; Folder: app]

  • Run script from slqplus:

SQL> @api_driver

The output is in api_driver.log

Running unit tests

[Schema: app; Folder: app]

  • Run script from slqplus:

SQL> @r_tests

Testing is data-driven from the input JSON objects that are loaded from files into the table tt_units (at install time), and produces JSON output files in the INPUT_DIR folder, that contain arrays of expected and actual records by group and scenario. These files are:

  • tt_emp_batch.load_emps_out.json
  • tt_emp_ws.get_dept_emps_out.json
  • tt_emp_ws.save_emps_out.json
  • tt_view_drivers.hr_test_view_v_out.json

The output files are processed by a nodejs program that has to be installed separately, from the `npm` nodejs repository, as described in the Installation section above. The nodejs program produces listings of the results in HTML and/or text format, and result files are included in the subfolders below test_output. To run the processor (in Windows), open a DOS or Powershell window in the trapit package folder after placing the output JSON files in the subfolder ./examples/externals and run:

$ node ./examples/externals/test-externals

Operating System/Oracle Versions


Tested on Windows 10, should be OS-independent


  • Tested on Oracle Database Version (minimum required: 12.2)

See also



Extracting Pure Functionality from SQL Queries

In my last Oracle User Group presentation, Database API Viewed As A Mathematical Function: Insights into Testing, I discussed how the concept of the pure function can be extremely useful in the context of automated testing of database APIs.

In this article I show how the concept can also be useful in testing, and writing, SQL queries regardless of whether or not automated testing is in use. The idea is that queries often contain complex logic involving CASE, Nvl and other logical constructs, as well as retrieval of database data. If we could somehow separate out the pure logical part from the impure database accesses, we may be able to do more effective testing, since pure functions are inherently easier to test than impure ones. We will show this by means of a simple example against the Oracle HR demo schema.

Suppose we want to calculate an employee bonus using the following logic:

  • Use a 10% multiplier applied to one of two salaries…
  • …for department managers, use the departmental average salary; for others, use their own salary
  • For employees who have been previously employed, i.e. who have a job history record, add a further 10%
  • For employees whose job is ‘IT_PROG’, add a (well deserved 🙂 ) further 50%

Here is a query to calculate this, with results:

WITH depsals AS (
  SELECT dep.department_id, dep.manager_id, Avg(emp.salary) avgsal
    FROM departments dep
    JOIN employees emp ON emp.department_id = dep.department_id
    GROUP BY Dep.department_id, dep.manager_id
SELECT emp.employee_id, emp.salary, dsl.avgsal,
       Round(Nvl(dsl.avgsal, emp.salary) * 0.1 *
       Nvl2(jhs.employee_id, 1.1, 1) *
       CASE job.job_id WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.5 ELSE 1 END) bonus
  FROM employees emp
  JOIN jobs job
    ON emp.job_id = job.job_id
  LEFT JOIN depsals dsl
    ON dsl.manager_id = emp.employee_id
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT employee_id FROM job_history GROUP BY employee_id) jhs
    ON jhs.employee_id = emp.employee_id

----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        100      24000 19333.3333       1933
        101      17000                  1870
        102      17000                  1870
        103       9000       5760        864
        104       6000                   900
        105       4800                   720
        106       4800                   720
        107       4200                   630
        108      12008 8601.33333        860
        109       9000                   900
        110       8200                   820
        111       7700                   770
        112       7800                   780
        113       6900                   690
        114      11000       4150        457
        115       3100                   310
        116       2900                   290
        117       2800                   280
        118       2600                   260
        119       2500                   250
        120       8000                   800
        121       8200 3475.55556        348
        122       7900                   869
        123       6500                   650
        124       5800                   580
        125       3200                   320
        126       2700                   270
        127       2400                   240
        128       2200                   220
        129       3300                   330
        130       2800                   280
        131       2500                   250
        132       2100                   210
        133       3300                   330
        134       2900                   290
        135       2400                   240
        136       2200                   220
        137       3600                   360
        138       3200                   320
        139       2700                   270
        140       2500                   250
        141       3500                   350
        142       3100                   310
        143       2600                   260
        144       2500                   250
        145      14000 8955.88235        896
        146      13500                  1350
        147      12000                  1200
        148      11000                  1100
        149      10500                  1050
        150      10000                  1000
        151       9500                   950
        152       9000                   900
        153       8000                   800
        154       7500                   750
        155       7000                   700
        156      10000                  1000
        157       9500                   950
        158       9000                   900
        159       8000                   800
        160       7500                   750
        161       7000                   700
        162      10500                  1050
        163       9500                   950
        164       7200                   720
        165       6800                   680
        166       6400                   640
        167       6200                   620
        168      11500                  1150
        169      10000                  1000
        170       9600                   960
        171       7400                   740
        172       7300                   730
        173       6100                   610
        174      11000                  1100
        175       8800                   880
        176       8600                   946
        177       8400                   840
        178       7000                   700
        179       6200                   620
        180       3200                   320
        181       3100                   310
        182       2500                   250
        183       2800                   280
        184       4200                   420
        185       4100                   410
        186       3400                   340
        187       3000                   300
        188       3800                   380
        189       3600                   360
        190       2900                   290
        191       2500                   250
        192       4000                   400
        193       3900                   390
        194       3200                   320
        195       2800                   280
        196       3100                   310
        197       3000                   300
        198       2600                   260
        199       2600                   260
        200       4400       4400        484
        201      13000       9500       1045
        202       6000                   600
        203       6500       6500        650
        204      10000      10000       1000
        205      12008      10154       1015
        206       8300                   830

107 rows selected.

We see the bonus calculation in the select list with fields embedded from tables and a subquery. Setting up test data in multiple tables, and filtering out database noise can be a difficult task, so it would be nice if we could bypass that to test the calculation logic independently. If we are on version 12.1 or higher we can facilitate this by making the calculation into a WITH function, like this:

WITH FUNCTION calc_bonus(p_jhs_emp_id NUMBER, p_job_id VARCHAR2, p_salary NUMBER, p_avgsal NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
  RETURN Round(0.1 *
    Nvl(p_avgsal, p_salary) * 
    CASE WHEN p_jhs_emp_id IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 1.1 END *
    CASE p_job_id WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.5 ELSE 1 END);
depsals AS (
  SELECT dep.department_id, dep.manager_id, Avg(emp.salary) avgsal
    FROM departments dep
    JOIN employees emp ON emp.department_id = dep.department_id
    GROUP BY Dep.department_id, dep.manager_id
SELECT emp.employee_id, emp.salary, dsl.avgsal,
       calc_bonus(jhs.employee_id, job.job_id, emp.salary, dsl.avgsal) bonus
  FROM employees emp
  JOIN jobs job
    ON emp.job_id = job.job_id
  LEFT JOIN depsals dsl
    ON dsl.manager_id = emp.employee_id
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT employee_id FROM job_history GROUP BY employee_id) jhs
    ON jhs.employee_id = emp.employee_id

Now the declared function, which is ‘pure’, separates out the calculation logic from the impure parts of the query that reference database fields. We can now test this function by replacing the rest of the query with a test data generator designed to cover all scenarios.

In the presentation referenced above I discussed how to assess test coverage properly, in terms of behavioural, or scenario, coverage, rather than the popular but spurious ‘code coverage’ metrics. I explained the value of thinking in terms of domain and subdomain partitioning to maximise true test coverage. If the subdomains are orthogonal (or independent) we can test behaviour across their partitions in parallel. What about the current case? We can see that we have three subdomains, each having two partitions, and in fact they are interdependent (because they multiply together an error in one factor could neutralise an error in another): that means we need 2x2x2 = 8 test records. There is no need to vary the base salary, so we will use a bind variable:

EXEC :SALARY := 20000

The query with test data generator is then:

WITH FUNCTION calc_bonus(p_jhs_emp_id NUMBER, p_job_id VARCHAR2, p_salary NUMBER, p_avgsal NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
  RETURN Round(0.1 *
    Nvl(p_avgsal, p_salary) * 
    CASE WHEN p_jhs_emp_id IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 1.1 END *
    CASE p_job_id WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.5 ELSE 1 END);
test_data AS (
  SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER'   job_id, NULL  avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT 1    jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER'   job_id, NULL  avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, NULL  avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT 1    jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, NULL  avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER'   job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT 1    jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER'   job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT 1    jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL
SELECT dat.jhs_emp_id, dat.job_id,  dat.avgsal,
       calc_bonus(dat.jhs_emp_id, dat.job_id, :SALARY, dat.avgsal) bonus
  FROM test_data dat
 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3

Test results:

---------- ------- ---------- ----------
         1 IT_PROG      10000       1650
         1 IT_PROG                  3300
         1 OTHER        10000       1100
         1 OTHER                    2200
           IT_PROG      10000       1500
           IT_PROG                  3000
           OTHER        10000       1000
           OTHER                    2000

The results can be checked manually, and there is probably little value in automating this beyond scripting.

Ok, but what if we are on a database version prior to 12.1, or for some reason we don’t want to use a WITH function? In that case, we can do something similar, but not quite as cleanly because we will need to modify the code under test slightly, to reference the test data subquery:

WITH test_data AS (
  SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER'   job_id, NULL  avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT 1    jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER'   job_id, NULL  avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, NULL  avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT 1    jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, NULL  avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER'   job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT 1    jhs_emp_id, 'OTHER'   job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT NULL jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  SELECT 1    jhs_emp_id, 'IT_PROG' job_id, 10000 avgsal FROM DUAL
SELECT dat.jhs_emp_id, dat.job_id,  dat.avgsal,
       Round(Nvl(dat.avgsal, :SALARY) * 0.1 *
       Nvl2(dat.jhs_emp_id, 1.1, 1) *
       CASE dat.job_id WHEN 'IT_PROG' THEN 1.5 ELSE 1 END) bonus
  FROM test_data dat
 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3

We have shown how extracting pure functionality from a query can help in making testing more rigorous and modular.

We have also shown how the WITH function feature, new in v12.1, can be used to extract pure functions from the main SQL and so enhance modularity and testability. This is a usage for the feature that is not commonly noted, the advantage usually cited being replacement of database functions to avoid context switches.

If you want to see more examples of functions in the WITH clause let me google that for you… 🙂